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Axis Bank Foundation Day Quotes Wishes

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Axis Bank Foundation Day Quotes Wishes: Axis Bank Foundation day is on 3rd December. It was founded in the year 1993 as UTI Bank. Here you will read related quotes, messages and wishes for the foundation day.

Axis Bank Foundation Day Quotes Wishes

Did you know that Axis Bank Limited, formerly known as UTI Bank (1993–2007), is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

New Collection of Axis Bank Foundation Day messages to customer and clients. Celebrate Axis Bank Foundation Day on WhatsApp, Facebook with your clients.

You can’t grow unless your banking system is expanding and you are extending credit. – Stephen A. Schwarzman

Go to the bank looking like a bank robber! – Steven Magee

I have always been afraid of banks. – Andrew Jackson

Banking is very good business if you don’t do anything dumb. – Warren Buffett

Banking is a branch of the information business. – Walter Wriston

I thought ‘The Bank Job’ was a really quality movie. – Jason Statham

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. – Henry Ford

Anything that benefits the public and not just big banking, that’s what I’m with. – Big Boi

The Indian banking industry has always been full of competition, and there is enough room for growth. – Chanda Kochhar

Axis Bank Foundation Day Wishes

Banking gives you a glimpse into what makes companies succeed and what makes companies fail. – Sally Jewell

Microcredit has shown how you can reach out to people that conventional banking cannot. It has demonstrated that it’s a doable proposition. – Muhammad Yunus

A banking system is an act of faith: it survives only for as long as people believe it will. – Michael Lewis

At its core, banking is not simply about profit, but about personal relationships. – Felix Rohatyn

Axis Bank Foundation Day Messages

The growth that we are targeting for our bank is in line with the banking industry. – Chanda Kochhar

Banking is a very treacherous business because you don’t realize it is risky until it is too late. It is like calm waters that deliver huge storms. – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. – Robert Frost

The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. – Josiah Stamp

Axis Bank Foundation Day Greetings

They explained to me that the bank cannot lend money to poor people because these people are not creditworthy. – Muhammad Yunus

Our approach to banking is very different from traditional banks or even some of the new banks. We do not necessarily go out and write single-cheque, large-ticket loans. – Uday Kotak

The art of banking is always to balance the risk of a run with the reward of a profit. The tantalizing factor in the equation is that riskier borrowers pay higher interest rates. Ultimate safety a strongbox full of currency would avail the banker nothing. Maximum risk a portfolio of loans to prospective bankrupts at usurious interest rates would invite disaster. A good banker safely and profitably treads the middle ground. – James Grant

Axis Bank Day Wishes to Customers

The inescapable truth in that there are just too many banks in this country chasing too few customers. – Dick Rosenberg

My fantasy is to break up the big banks. I wish we would end ‘too big to fail’ in our banking system. – Kenneth C. Griffin

Google’s entire business model and its planning for the future are banking on an open and free Internet. And it will not succeed if the Internet becomes overly balkanized. – Rebecca MacKinnon

Banks are there to support businesses that have justifiable needs. – Vijay Mallya

People want to be in charge of health information. They want it available the same way online banking is available. – Anne Wojcicki

The hardest obstacles for Bitcoin companies are banking and regulation. – Charlie Shrem

Bank Foundation Day Wishes to Clients

Elon Musk with PayPal revolutionized banking. – Peter Diamandis

Nobody knows to bank better than I do. – Donald Trump

Don’t trust banks, trust math. – Santosh Kalwar

Sure, banking bills are important, but they don’t save lives. – Bob Menendez

Banking is necessary, banks are not. – Bill Gates

Money never declines. Money just moves. – Dick Kovacevich

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