Nandani Creation Ltd (NCL), a leading player in women’s Indian wear, proudly announces a groundbreaking partnership with Franchise India, signalling a momentous stride in its expansion endeavours. This collaboration aims to introduce 75 new ‘Jaipur Kurti’ franchise stores under brand ‘Jaipur Kurti’, ‘Amaiva’ and our Luxury brand ‘Jaipur Kurti Luxe’ across six states by 2027, providing fashion enthusiasts nationwide with access to the brand’s exquisite collections.
The Master Franchise Agreement inked with Franchise India is poised to redefine the retail experience, offering a seamless fusion of traditional and contemporary fashion. These new stores will not only showcase the company’s signature designs but will also serve as a one-stop destination for customer engagement, featuring personalized styling consultations and exclusive shopping experiences.
The selected geographies for these stores — Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Gujarat, West Bengal, Bihar, and Jharkhand — have been strategically chosen to maximize reach, cater to diverse demographics, and mark the brand’s entrance into new regions.
This partnership holds significant importance in the company’s expansion strategy, emphasizing its commitment to establishing a retail presence across India through an asset-light model. The opening of these stores is expected to reduce dependence on third-party e-commerce platforms while enhancing the company’s revenue and profitability.
Mr. Anuj Mundhra, Chairman & Managing Director of Nandani Creation Limited, commented on the collaboration, stating, “This partnership signifies a new chapter in our journey to empower women through fashion. We are delighted to join hands with Franchise India, Asia’s leading integrated franchise solution company, to expand our footprint across key regions, making our collections more accessible and celebrating the beauty of Indian attire.”